Sunday, April 28, 2013

henry- 2 months

2 months:
I say this all of the time, but I just do not know where the time goes.  You have gotten SO much bigger over the past month.  There is no way anyone could say you are malnourished :)  I can tell how much you have grown based on which outfits you can and can't wear these days.  I bought you an outfit from H&M and couldn't wait for you to fit into it... now it's almost too tight on your adorable, chubby belly.  Tomorrow we have your 2 month check-up (and shots... yikes!) and I am eager to see how much you weigh.  

We spent your two month birthday in Lafayette celebrating with both sets of grandparents.  Thankfully you were in a great mood all day long and played and smiled your heart out.  Everyone just lights up when you are around and you truly bring so much joy into all of our lives.  

We are so lucky.  Love you little man!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

smiles for daddy.

Henry can now smile in response to funny faces, noises and tickles from daddy and mommy.  It has to be the best feeling in the world to make that little guy smile.  He is growing up so fast and thank goodness for my camera to help capture all these moments before they fly by.  

^^SO SAD this one is blurry... Oh well, you get the idea^^

Thursday, April 18, 2013

please, please keep those baby blues!

Unfortunately, the majority of babies are born with blue or grey eyes and it remains a guessing game as to what they will ultimately be until at least 6-9 months (maybe longer!).   I have blue eyes and Darin has brown, so it's a 50/50 toss up for Henry.  I didn't realize how blue his eyes are until I took these pictures... These are unedited (SOOTC) and I love how the natural light makes his eyes brighten up.  I'm crossing my fingers that these baby blues stay blue!  

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Henry loves watching Ellen.

Henry had a lot to say while we watched Ellen.  He definitely knew more answers than the girls playing the game :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

life lately... (according to instagram)

My instagram used to have a wide variety of different pictures but now, it's all Henry.  I just can't help but take pictures of him daily, I mean, he's pretty darn adorable.  Here are my pics from the past 5 weeks:  

**if you can't get enough, follow me on instagram- jleigh619