6 months:
You have changed so much over the past month. Just as we expected, two of your bottom teeth popped through at the beginning of the month. You took it pretty well. Lots of chewing on anything you could get your hands on and of course, gallons of drool. Sleep was a little touch and go for a while, but it seems you are back on track with that. We also started feeding you a little bit of rice at night to get you ready for other fun foods coming soon. There are nights you are into it and there are nights where you are pretty stubborn :) I started to make and freeze different fruits and veggies for you to start trying soon. I'm sure they will taste much better than rice.
Another major milestone that you hit a little over a week ago was learning to sit up on your own! You are really good at it and can sit for long stretches without falling over. I think you like it b/c you can grab all of your toys, stick them in your mouth and see what's going on all at the same time. You barely like to lay on your back anymore. There hasn't been any crawling action yet, but you are certainly wanting to get up and go. It will come soon enough and then we will be running all over the place trying to keep up with you.
Happy half-year birthday, little guy!