Due to the cold/nasty weather, I was actually able to take pics, edit and blog all on Emmett's actual 7 month birthday! We are all ready for the nice weather to stick around. Henry is stir CRAZY, therefore we are all feeling a bit crazy too. In other Henry news, he has somehow managed to essentially potty train himself. We are SO proud of him and so happy to be done with that size of diapers for a while :)
Mr. Emmett continues to be so happy and so laid back all of the time. He is trying so hard to crawl, he just hasn't gotten the exact motion down yet. He really isn't a fan of purees but does enjoy avocado and bananas in his silicone feeder. His bottom left tooth finally popped through and I'm just waiting for the next one to do the same. Sleep is still touch and go... some nights he decides he likes to sleep and some nights he prefers to see my face and eat :) We are working on it.
Happy 7 months!