Monday, September 26, 2016


This is officially my last week having a "baby" (cue tears).  I cannot believe Emmett will be ONE on Saturday... The year has FLOWN by and I'm both excited to watch him grow and develop more but also sad that some of the baby stages are gone for good.  

To kick off his birthday week, we had a fun little smash cake session at the house.  He was WAY more into it than Henry was, but that's not surprising b/c the kid loves to eat.  Once he realized it tasted pretty good, he was all about it.  Henry couldn't help but get in on the action too.  Everything was fun until he started smearing blue icing on my walls :)  

Sunday, September 4, 2016

emmett- 11 months

Bring on the party planning, this guy is almost ONE!  Hard to believe it's that time already, but I have to suck it up and just accept the fact that I'm about to have two toddlers running this house :)

The last month has really shown changes in Emmett's personality and behavior.  He is a copycat of everything his big bro does.  He follows him around and wants to play with all of his toys.  He loves to take things out and put them back into buckets and baskets.  He pushes cars around as fast as he can and likes to use his push toy to walk around.  No solo steps yet, he really isn't interested in the walking thing, but I'm sure that won't last much longer.  "Uh-oh" "da-da" "up" and of course "momma" are all in his vocabulary.  He can shake his head "no" and thinks that is really funny.    He prefers kitchen utensils, bowls and cups over actual baby toys.  His laughter is infectious and he truly is such a joy to be around.  

Love you little guy!  Can't wait to celebrate your birthday soon :)