Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Henry: Weeks 2-3

Weeks 2 & 3:

Thankfully weeks 2-3 were a little smoother than the first.  You finally recovered from your eye infection and jaundice, which is a relief!  However, mommy ended up with mastitis (over the weekend of course) and had to go to urgent care to get an antibiotic.  Thankfully, dad was here to take care of you and mommy at the same time.  We practiced a lot of tummy time, which you tolerate for about 5 minutes before deciding you aren't into it.  At your 2 week doctors appointment, you weighed in at 8 lbs 11 ounces!  That was great news b/c your feeding schedule doesn't have to be so strict and mommy can sleep (sometimes) a little more through the night.  Your 0-3 month clothes are starting to fit a little better due to your weight gain and that has greatly improved your wardrobe options.  Every day you seem to grow a little more and we all agree that you are really looking a lot like your daddy.  It's hard to believe in a little under a week you will already be 1 month old!    

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Henry's first week home.

I am going to have to try to keep up with all of Henry's moments and milestones as often as I can, otherwise I will forget by the time I am ready to make his baby book.  I'll post the pictures first so you can skip the actual blogging part, if you want :) 

Week 1:

Your first week of life wasn't exactly smooth.  You had your first doctor appointment on the Monday after your birth.  She said you were a little jaundice and put you on a strict feeding regimen of every 2 hours (this is exhausting!).  Luckily you are glowing much less now, so it must be working!  You also had an eye infection, which in combo with the jaundice, was just about enough to put mommy over the edge.  Thankfully, that is clearing up too!  The best part about your first week was all of your smiles when you toot and how calm you are throughout the days/nights.  We couldn't ask for a better baby!  Even with all of the visitors, you slept and remained a perfect little angel.  You have your 2 week appointment soon and hopefully you will have gained all of your weight back so all of us can get a little more sleep through the night  :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Henry Len Miller

Henry's journey into this world began at 5:30 am on February 28 when we checked in to Community Hospital for my labor induction.  We were really excited b/c we knew today was the big day!  I tried to stay relatively calm throughout the entire process of being induced... IV's, pitocin, epidurals... It wasn't all that bad.  My doctor advised me to get my epidural before the contractions were too intense, so I pretty much had an easy laboring process.  I went from 4-10 in about 2 hours and we couldn't believe the time was getting so near.  

After pushing for an excruciatingly long 2 hours (I wouldn't have made it through this without Darin, he was incredible), Henry Len Miller was finally brought into the world at 8 pm on the dot.  He weighed in at 8 pounds, 5 ounces and just a smidge under 21 inches.  We were immediately in love.  How could you not be with a face like his?  Darin was able to take some great pics while they were cleaning him up in our birthing room and I am so thankful to have these memories to look back on! 

This blog will now turn into Henry's personal photo page :)