Better late than never seems to be my theme lately. After rescheduling Henry's birthday party due to illness and snow, we finally had it a couple of weeks ago... and I'm just now getting to blog about it! It's not that I've been busy, time just seems to fly by. Oh well, here we go!
For Henry's first birthday party, I decided to go with the "very hungry caterpillar" theme. His first favorite toy was a caterpillar rattle, so I thought it would be perfect! As usual, I went completely overboard for a 1 year old's party... He won't remember a thing, but that's why I took plenty of pictures so I can remind him how much fun it was!
Darin and I were both shocked at how well Henry handled all the people in the house. He wasn't too shy and kinda just took it all in. We were so thankful for all of our friends and family that could make it up! He received lots of fun gifts (snow balls, trucks, ball flinging elephants etc.) and did a great job opening most of them. I decided to give him a cupcake and crossed my fingers that he would actually eat it this time... Luckily he did! The frosting was a hit, not so much the actual cupcake, and it kept him (and us) entertained for a few minutes.
Overall, the party was a great success and I completely crashed once it was all done. Thanks again to everyone who came to celebrate!