Wednesday, June 18, 2014

father's day weekend.

When I was in college, my very best friends (the roomies, Lauren & Holly) and I would meet at the co-rec and workout in the mornings during the summer.  Once we were done, we would walk across campus to Einstein's for coffee and then walk back.  Recently, we had the fabulous idea to do this again, but added a few strollers and our other best friend, Jamie!  Walking by all of my old buildings brought back so many good & bad memories... so many hours spent studying, in class & taking tests.  I am so thankful to be past those days, but also really miss the learning part.  I felt so old visiting while pushing Henry along in the stroller.  I'm definitely not a college girl anymore!  Hanging out with my girls (and the boys) is always so refreshing and fun.  We always pick up right where we left off.  This may become our new tradition whenever we can all get together!

Henry had his first experience with one of the Purdue fountains... He didn't go in, but stood and let the mist hit him.  He just kept saying "wah-wah" :)


We were able to spend father's day with both of our dads and my grandpa too.  It is so convenient to have everyone living in the same town!  We made our rounds and then headed home, just in time for an evening bike ride and a trip to the park for swings & slides.  After our outing, we let Darin open his gift and then ordered carry out b/c I was too tired to cook.  Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there... Especially to the guy that puts up with me & Henry each day :)  

**this is one of our BEST family photos... excellent photog skills Darin!**

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

pre-summer fun.

Only 10 more days until Summer has officially arrived (and 12 until my birthday!)... we have been so lucky to have pretty great weather the past few weeks and have spent as much time as possible outdoors (water table, splash pad, bike rides etc).  However, we had our fair share of rainy days and that calls for creative indoor activities.  I give all of the stay at home moms a TON of credit for finding ways to keep their toddlers entertained all day long, every day.  It is hard work!  I think being a pharmacist is easier most of the time :)   And thank goodness for Pinterest... I mean, how did mom's survive prior to searching for "toddler activity pins"!?! (j/k)  

We had great success with food coloring & cool whip in the bath tub, as shown below.  Other activities haven't been as successful (crib full of stuffed animals for example...)  My plan for the summer is playing outside as much as possible and enjoying every moment with this little boy of mine!   

(water table fun!) 

(indoor fun!)

(splash pad)
**this did not go as planned... he was grumpy and didn't want to play.  the picture of him going through the water and freaking out was basically how the day went :)  we are going to give it another shot soon**