Thursday, November 19, 2015

emmett- 1 month!

Second baby syndrome... that's what I'm calling it so this poor child doesn't look back at his first year photo album and feel neglected.  I was so dedicated to taking Henry's monthly pics and put a lot of effort into it.  Emmett's?  I slapped the sticker on (after almost forgetting it was his 1 month birthday), snapped a few shots... he started crying and I decided, eh, better luck next month.  And now I'm finally blogging about it two weeks late.  Oh well, it's the effort that counts :)

The upside to second baby syndrome is everything with Emmett seems easier.  Or at least I think it is.  I know there is a certain amount of amnesia that occurs after the first 2 weeks of having a newborn.  If there wasn't, I don't know that we would continue to have kids.  With Henry, I was an absolute wreck.  I had meltdowns, I didn't handle the lack of sleep very well and just felt like I had no idea what I was doing.  Emmett was a different story.  I adapted to less sleep faster, knowing I had to take care of him and Henry each day just meant I needed to get it together with less rest.  Coffee helped a lot :)  Emmett also had WAY less issues.  He eats like a champ, he wasn't jaundice, no eye infections and seemed overall calmer.  Of course he cries for no reason and I finally understand that's what babies do sometimes and you just do your best to console them until they realize they are ok.  With Henry, I often cried along with him.  Another huge difference is that the second time around, you know there is light at the end of that very dark tunnel of newborn-ness.  Everything is a phase and it WILL pass with time.  I wish I had that knowledge when I was a first time mom (or believed it was actually true, lol).  

Henry has been pretty great with his baby brother.  He doesn't like him to cry and requests that I pick him up immediately.  He also demands that I "drop" him when he needs a little mommy time for himself :)  We are still learning what it means to be gentle and quiet...

  It's been a wonderful month and I can't believe we are halfway through month #2.  Now it's time to gear up for what will be a great holiday season!

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