Monday, October 29, 2012

i've always had a thing for almond joys...

This past weekend was the baby gender reveal for our family and friends.  We found out over a week ago and couldn't wait to share the big news.  I found a cute idea online and decided that was how we would make the announcement...

It's a BOY!  

We are so excited to meet our little guy!  He will be here just in time to enjoy March Madness with his daddy :)  18 more weeks to go!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

cali trip 2012- day 7/muir woods & golden gate bridge

For the last day of our vacation, we went to Muir Woods to see some of the redwood trees.  The park had paths to follow and we did a short hike before getting hungry for lunch.  I took way too many pictures of trees, so here are a few of my favorites: 

The last few pictures in this post are of the Golden Gate Bridge- we were lucky enough to have a hotel with an amazing view and after a short drive, we could get up close to the water and bridge for some excellent photos.  Some are from our first morning there & the last day, the fog was awesome, so we made a quick stop before heading to the airport.

Our view of the bridge from the hotel room:

We had a great trip and can't wait for our next adventure!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

cali trip 2012- day 6/alcatraz

One of the things Darin & I looked forward to most about San Francisco was going to Alcatraz and luckily for us, it didn't disappoint.  We even had an added bonus to our ferry ride across the bay because the Blue Angels were practicing for fleet week.  

Here are some of my favorite pictures from The Rock.